A place for camp kitchen, chuck box and car camping related Ideas

I'm not sure where I got the idea to build a Chuck Box but once I got started the idea seemed really cool. I guess having our plastic bin turn to chaos way too many times during our camping trips was a big factor.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


1/8 inch plywood can be used if it has a frame or proper support. I think a good urethane varnish is important, this material is not designed for out doors.

Pine is pretty light weight and strong. I think ¾ inch pine vertical pieces would not add much to the weight, would look nicer, handles beer openers, towel bars etc. will mount easier than they do on the framed ⅛ plywood. Also I could use the router to make slots for the shelves saving the trouble of cutting all kinds of ¾ x ¾ little pieces.

Hard woods are heavier than pine and might be a good choice for some.

3/4 plywood is way too heavy

Particle board or MDF is way too heavy and will not hold up when it gets wet.


Wood drawers are very cool, but they do add weight. For now I'm going with 99 cent plastic shoe boxes. They are washable available everywhere and at .99 if one breaks no biggie.

Shelf below the box

A shelf added below the box can be nice for water and it adds stability.
But it also adds complexity and size, you need a place to put it....

Angled Legs

Angled legs look like a nice idea but are they needed? The angle looks like it would add stability but, don't they end up being too long or too heavy?

Skeltonized frames

OK, here's Chuck Box #2

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Nesting boxes

The Idea of nesting boxes is pretty interesting to me. I think the idea is good but it is more stuff to build and I'm not sure if it is worth it for our needs.
Chuck box

Fold Down Front Doors

For me the fold down front doors have too many disadvantages. First off if you get too much weigh on them your whole box could end up on your feet, also you would need to lean over the door to reach into the box or to reach the top of the box. Another dis advantage would be that used as work space they block access to the items in the box.